
Astoria Buoy 10 Fall Salmon Fishing | Everyone Dreams About The Buoy

Salmon fishing the Columbia river at the world famous "Bouy 10" fishery is a fantastic fishing experience. During the Fall run of Chinook & Coho salmon, great numbers pile in from the Pacific Ocean just near Astoria into tidewater. They move upriver towards tributaries like the Cowlitz, Lewis and up past Bonneville dam into the many tributaries of the Columbia including the Snake river.

These fish are willing biters and the fall of 2014 has seen a great number of Chinook and Coho even beyond the Columbia : Oregon Coast rivers, Puget Sound, many throughout Alaska and Canada.

In this video we fished with Cameron Black & Gone Catchin' Guide Service in late August. We trolled flashers with bait and spinners to get our limits of fish. We caught both hatchery and wild fish as there were good numbers of both.

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