2024 - Part 3: Snorkel Surveys - Snake River, Hells Canyon Reach White Sturgeon (4K)

2024 - Part 3: Snorkel Surveys - Snake River, Hells Canyon Reach White Sturgeon (4K)

For some wild salmon and steelhead trout snorkel survey crews, breakfast is the start of their day. However, this is not always the case. For Hells Canyon crews, the time between the daybreak alarm of the canyon wren and breakfast is filled by personal time to enjoy the special place they work in.
Catching a Snake River white sturgeon is often the highlight of their field season. Landing a fish that may be six, seven, eight, or more feet in length and hundreds of pounds in weight requires a team effort. On the other end of the solar arc, crews often fill the hours between the evening meal and lights out with more team-building activities.

Epidemic Sound (https://www.epidemicsound.com):
Anxiety Attack - Bonnie Grace
Escape Raft - Jon Bjork
Leaping Ideas - August Wilhelmsson

Producer, Director, Cinematographer, & Narrator: Scott Putnam
A Bluz River Production, 2024