
Carp Fishing Rigs: How To Tie The Best Running Rig Using Bottom Bait And Modified Inline Lead Setup

Double bottom bait big carp rig simply tied with a knotless knot with a modified inline lead that works as a semi fixed and running lead. Go to http://www.frenchcarpandcats.com/blog/blogstory.php?seq=9 for more information about this simple carp rig.

In this video, I explain exactly how to tie the Beausoleil carp fishing rig that I developed at my lake in France. It's very simple and easy to make and ideally suited for use on any small estate lake where you are targeting heavily pressured carp of any size. It is also a good catfish rig for lakes. This rig has a high pickup/run conversion rate because it's hard to eject. It's also easy to tie and uses the minimum number of components and knots. I also explain exactly how the rig works in a fishing situation and what benefits this setup brings. I also show the method to use when casting or boating the rig into position.

I've developed this big carp rig over 2 years ago. I've had great results with it (including a brace of forties) and I've had great feedback from customers at the Beausoleil fishing lake. This rig is a double bottom bait rig incorporating a knotless knot with a two turn kicker for aggressive hooking potential. What I do is that I replace the standard lead insert with a silicone tail rubber, then the lead acts as a semi fixed rig that converts to a running rig when the carp shakes its head. This dramatically improves bite indication when angling for riggy fish and prevents them from using the lead to throw the hook so this rig acts as an anti-eject rig. It also incorporates a telltale indicator that enables you to tell the difference between a dropped take and an aggressive line bite. This rig enables you to fish with extremely slack lines without compromising bite indication. For me, this is the ultimate running rig setup: very easy to tie and very effective. This rig works on silt beds, hard patches, gravel and light leaf debris.

Music from Dan-O at http://danosongs.com

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Exclusive carp and catfish fishing holidays in North France, with accommodation, where you can fish for big carp and monster catfish in your own private 4 acre fishing lake. Visit http://www.frenchcarpandcats.com/
Carp Fishing